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How to add or manage Open House events on Broker List® listings.

Learn how to add and manage Open House events on a listing. Scroll down to the “Open House Dates” on a listing’s detail page and tap “Manage”.

Add a new Open House event

(1 of 2) An Exclusive listing’s detail page was opened and scrolled down to the “Open House Dates” section, then “Manage” and “Add Open House event” were tapped.
(1 of 2) An Exclusive listing’s detail page was opened and scrolled down to the “Open House Dates” section, then “Manage” and “Add Open House event” were tapped.
Open the property detail page of a Coming Soon or Exclusive listing of your choice, scroll down to the “Open House Dates” section, tap “Manage” and tap “Add Open House event”.
(2 of 2) A date and time were selected and “Save” and “Close” were tapped. The new Open House event has appeared on the listing’s detail page.
(2 of 2) A date and time were selected and “Save” and “Close” were tapped. The new Open House event has appeared on the listing’s detail page.
Select a date and time, then tap “Save” and “Close”. The new Open House event will appear on the listing’s detail page.

Delete an existing Open House event

(1 of 2) An Exclusive listing’s detail page was opened and scrolled down to the “Open House Dates” section. “Manage” was tapped, then the Open House event was tapped and in the confirmation alert, “Remove” was tapped.
(1 of 2) An Exclusive listing’s detail page was opened and scrolled down to the “Open House Dates” section. “Manage” was tapped, then the Open House event was tapped and in the confirmation alert, “Remove” was tapped.
Open the property detail page of a Coming Soon or Exclusive listing of your choice, scroll down to the “Open House Dates” section, tap “Manage” and tap on the Open House event you’d like to remove. Finally, tap “Remove’ to confirm your choice.
(2 of 2) A date and time were selected and “Save” and “Close” were tapped. The new Open House event has been removed on the listing’s detail page.
(2 of 2) A date and time were selected and “Save” and “Close” were tapped. The new Open House event has been removed on the listing’s detail page.
Tap “Close” to return to the listing’s property page. The Open House event has been removed successfully.
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