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What is Matched Interest on Broker List® listings?

When you or your clients have Saved Searches matching a Broker List® listing, we call it a Matched Interest.

Where do I find Matched Interest?

The “My Matched Interest” row on a listing’s detail page.
The “My Matched Interest” row on a listing’s detail page.
This is an agent-only feature. Not an agent yet? Learn how to create an agent account. (Coming Soon)
Open a Broker List® listing and look for the row named “My Matched Interest” then tap on it.


Never miss the opportunity to let your clients know about an Exclusive or Coming Soon listing. Act on leads from your clients
If your clients have “Matched Interest” for a Coming Soon listing, they will receive an alert for new results matching their Saved Search on the day it enters its public allowable marketing period.
Add a note for your clients before they see the listing. Don’t know how? Learn how to add a note for your clients.
Collaborate with colleagues and other agents
If you or your clients have a “Matched Interest” for a Broker List® listing, the listing agent and co-listing agent will get a suggestion to share it with you in direct 1-to-1 communication.

Overview of Matched Interest states

“My Matched Interest” was tapped.
“My Matched Interest” was tapped.
No Matched Interest
  1. The “My Matched interest” row has no avatars on the listing detail page.
  1. Tapping the “My Matched Interest” row shows the empty state.
“My Matched Interest” was tapped, then “Karen King” was tapped.
“My Matched Interest” was tapped, then “Karen King” was tapped.
Matched Interest from yourself (the agent / you)
  1. The “My Matched interest” row has Karen King’s picture (the agent / you) on the listing detail page.
  1. Tapping the “My Matched Interest” row shows that the agent has 3 Saved Searches matching the listing.
  1. Tapping the “Karen King” row shows the agent’s Saved Searches matching the listing.
“My Matched Interest” was tapped, then “Rosa Carlos Perrez” was tapped.
“My Matched Interest” was tapped, then “Rosa Carlos Perrez” was tapped.
Matched Interest from your client(s)
  1. The “My Matched Interest” row has a client picture on the listing detail page.
  1. Tapping the “My Matched Interest” row shows that the agent’s client has 2 Saved Searches matching the listing.
  1. Tapping the “Rosa Carlos Perrez” row shows the client’s Saved Searches matching the listing.
“My Matched Interest” was tapped, then “Rosa Carlos Perrez” was tapped.
“My Matched Interest” was tapped, then “Rosa Carlos Perrez” was tapped.
Matched Interest from yourself (the agent / you) and your client(s)
  1. The “My Matched Interest” row has the agent and two client’s pictures and a “+2” (indicating four clients in total) on the listing detail page.
  1. Tapping the “My Matched Interest” row shows Karen King (the agent / you) and clients split in two groups.
  1. Tapping “Karen King” (the agent / you) or a client row, for example “Rosa Carlos Perrez”, shows the Saved Searches matching the listing.
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