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Orient yourself in Listed

The app has four main tabs to help you achieve your goal. There is the Browse tab, Alerts tab, Lists tab and Me tab.

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Listed has four tabs. Each of them help you achieve specific tasks:

Browse Tab

This is where you “find” everything. You can search by near subway stations or dog parks, by subway stops or find exact units by putting in the condo unit number first, then the street number and name, or tap ‘my location’. This tap has synchronous, dynamic views: Card | Map | List where you can focus, or see the geographical relationship of properties or compare them in a list. You can sort and filter and define a shape, apply filters, and share and save it. This is a powerful tab.
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Alerts Tab

This is where you get notified about everything you care about. Including ‘New clients’ and ‘Exclusives that have been shared with you in a direct, one-to-one communication and ‘Matched Interest for your Exclusive or Coming Soon Listing.
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Lists Tab

This is where you can organize everything. Whether you want to see all the listings you’ve favourited by tapping the ‘Star’ or visit your lists and saved searches for your Buyer and Seller clients, or, for yourself to follow certain neighbourhoods or buildings. (ie. Ask us about the ‘always up-to-date CMA’).
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Me Tab

This for YOU. It’s your profile, your clients, your listings, other agents, how to ‘Contact Us’ and it’s where you add, send and receive Exclusive listings.
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