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How to edit the possession date and its description of my listing draft.

Discover how to edit the possession date and description of your listing draft.

If it’s your first time editing a listing or you need help finding your listing drafts, take a look at our article explaining where to find listing drafts and edit published listings.
Open a listing draft / edit a listing Open a listing draft, swipe up with your finger to the possession section, underneath the listing type and above the transaction type.
A listing draft was tapped, then scrolled to the possession section, underneath the listing type and above the transaction type.
A listing draft was tapped, then scrolled to the possession section, underneath the listing type and above the transaction type.
Edit the possession date and description Tap “Edit” on the possession section to see the edit screen and tap the possession date field (empty/blank) to reveal the calendar view. Select a date, for example, September 2nd, add a description if applicable, and tap “Done” in the top right corner.
“Edit” was tapped on the possession section of the listing draft. The possession date field was tapped to reveal the calendar picker, a date and description were added and “Done” was tapped.
“Edit” was tapped on the possession section of the listing draft. The possession date field was tapped to reveal the calendar picker, a date and description were added and “Done” was tapped.
Publish your changes On your draft, swipe down with your finger to go to the very top and tap “Publish” to publish your listing or publish changes it if it was already published. Finally, on the listing’s property detail page, you can swipe up with your finger to see the possession date and description under the “Information” section of the listing’s detail page.
Swiped down to go back to the top of the listing draft, tapped “Publish” to apply changes, then swiped up to see the possession date and description.
Swiped down to go back to the top of the listing draft, tapped “Publish” to apply changes, then swiped up to see the possession date and description.
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