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How to edit my listing

You can edit an existing listing draft or create a draft to edit from a published listing.

To edit a published Broker List® listing, you can create a draft, edit it and then publish the changes to update your current listing. If you haven’t published a Broker List® listing, learn how to:

Create and edit a listing draft from a published listing

  • Find your Listing
  • Go to the three dots in the top right corner of your listing
  • Choose ‘Edit’
On the property detail page, the three-dot button on the top right corner was tapped, “Edit listing” was tapped, then to confirm, “Edit” was tapped to create a draft that can be edited or published.
On the property detail page, the three-dot button on the top right corner was tapped, “Edit listing” was tapped, then to confirm, “Edit” was tapped to create a draft that can be edited or published.
On the listing’s detail page, tap the three-dot button in the top right corner and tap “Edit listing”. An alert will appear to confirm your action, tap “Edit” to create a draft from your listing.
When you edit a published listing, a draft will be created and saved in your drafts even if you dismissed the screen and didn’t tap “Save draft”. Scroll down to learn where to find listing drafts.
On the listing draft, changes were made and applied when “Publish” was tapped. In this example, the listing has a new picture.
On the listing draft, changes were made and applied when “Publish” was tapped. In this example, the listing has a new picture.
Make your changes on the listing draft, for example, change the listing’s photos and tap “Publish” to apply your changes. A confirmation banner will appear at the top of the screen and you will be back on the property’s detail page.
Don’t know how to upload pictures? Learn how to add pictures on a listing draft on iOS or on Android.

Edit a listing draft

When you are on a listing draft, you can change, add and edit many information. This article covers how to access and view drafts, to learn how to edit a specific section, read one of the articles below:
  • More articles coming soon…

Where are my listing drafts?

On the Me tab, “Listings” was tapped, then “Add Broker List® Listing” was tapped. Finally, a draft was tapped and opened.
On the Me tab, “Listings” was tapped, then “Add Broker List® Listing” was tapped. Finally, a draft was tapped and opened.
To find your drafts from the Me tab, tap “Listings”, then tap “Add Broker List® Listings”. Finally, tap a listing draft to open it.

How to delete a listing draft?

A listing draft was swiped to the left, the delete option appeared and was tapped, then in the confirmation alert, “Delete” was tapped.
A listing draft was swiped to the left, the delete option appeared and was tapped, then in the confirmation alert, “Delete” was tapped.
On iOS, on the “Create Listings” page, swipe your finger from right to left on a draft to see the delete option, then tap “Delete” and confirm your action in the alert by tapping “Delete” again.
On Android, on the “Create Listings” page, tap and rest your finger on a draft for a second, then tap “Delete”.
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