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How to upload photos to my listing draft on an iPhone.

Learn how to navigate the listing draft photos page to upload photos to your draft on an iPhone.


  1. Navigate to Your Draft:
      • On the Me tab, tap Listings and then Add Broker List® Listing. Access your drafts from here.
  1. Add Photos to Your Draft:
      • Tap a draft to open its Summary page, then tap Photos to access the photos page.
  1. Upload Methods:
      • Tap Add photos to begin. Choose one of these options:
        • Take Photo: To capture and upload new photos using your phone’s camera.
        • Choose Photos: To upload photos from your camera roll,
        • Browse Files: To browse and select photos from your device storage and other online storage sources.
  1. Save Your Draft:
      • After adding photos, tap Done, then Save draft to save your changes.

Step-by-step Instructions

Open a listing draft, then tap “Photos” to open the draft’s photos page.
From the listing draft summary page, “Photos” was tapped. The draft photos page is shown. “Add photos” was tapped to show different options to add photos to the draft.
From the listing draft summary page, “Photos” was tapped. The draft photos page is shown. “Add photos” was tapped to show different options to add photos to the draft.
If it’s your first time editing a listing or you need help finding your listing drafts, take a look at our article explaining where to find listing drafts and edit published listings.
If you haven’t had a listing draft yet, click one of the links below to learn how to create one. • How to create a Coming Soon listing on Listed?How to create an Exclusive listing on Listed? Once the draft is created, continue to follow this article.
To start adding photos to your draft, tap “Add photos”. Listed app supports three upload methods:
  1. From your camera. Tap “Take Photo” to proceed.
  1. From your camera roll. Tap “Choose Photos” to proceed.
  1. From your files on device. Tap “Browse Files” to proceed.
Follow this article to learn more about each method for adding photos to your draft. Once you have added photos and want to close the photos page, tap “Done”, then tap “Save draft” to save your changes.

1. Upload photos from your camera

Tap “Take Photo” if you want to take a picture of the property using your iPhone camera. Follow the on-screen instructions to take your photo.
“Take Photo” was tapped. In the camera view, the capture button was tapped, then the checkmark button was tapped. Then, if necessary, the image can be cropped and “Crop” was tapped.
“Take Photo” was tapped. In the camera view, the capture button was tapped, then the checkmark button was tapped. Then, if necessary, the image can be cropped and “Crop” was tapped.
When you first tap “Take Photo”, the system may prompt you to authorize Listed to use the camera to capture a photo. Tap “Allow” to continue.
Once you have added the captured photo and want to close the photos page, tap “Done”, then tap “Save draft” to save your changes.

2. Upload photos from your camera roll

Tap “Choose Photos” if you want to add photos from your camera roll. Next, browse through your camera roll or navigate to a specific album to find the listing photos you need to add. Then, tap each photo to select it, and tap “Add”.
“Choose Photos” was tapped. In the photos picker, each photo from an album called “Listing photos” was tapped. Then, “Add” was tapped.
“Choose Photos” was tapped. In the photos picker, each photo from an album called “Listing photos” was tapped. Then, “Add” was tapped.
Once you have added the photos and want to close the photos page, tap “Done”, then tap “Save draft” to save your changes.

3. Upload photos from your files

Tap “Browse Files” if you have photos stored in your files that are not in your camera roll, such as photos downloaded from the internet or sent to you by a colleague.
If the photos are compressed in a zip file, make sure to unzip the file in advance before adding these photos to your draft on Listed. To learn more about how to unzip a file, Google “how to unzip files on iOS”.
Next, from the new page that just appeared, navigate to the folder that contains the photos you want to add to the listing draft.
“Browse Files” was tapped. After that, a location item should be tapped to navigate to your folder to select image files.
“Browse Files” was tapped. After that, a location item should be tapped to navigate to your folder to select image files.
💡 Tips
Certain online storage apps can be accessible from the “Browse” page. If you don’t see a storage option, enable it to gain access to your files.
The three-dot menu was tapped, followed by “Edit”. Next, a switch next to an online storage service was flipped, then “Done” was tapped. In this example, “Google Drive” was enabled. Finally, “Drive” was tapped to allow browsing your Google Drive storage for listing photos to add.
The three-dot menu was tapped, followed by “Edit”. Next, a switch next to an online storage service was flipped, then “Done” was tapped. In this example, “Google Drive” was enabled. Finally, “Drive” was tapped to allow browsing your Google Drive storage for listing photos to add.
As shown, navigating to your files on the device may require a few extra steps. Once you locate a storage location of your photo folder, begin navigating to the folder to select the image files.
You may need to long-press each image file to select them, or tap “Select” all to choose all files. Then, tap “Open” to finish adding the files to your listing draft.
Once added, the Listed app will display your photos. Tap “Done” to close the photos page.
Congratulations - you’ve successfully added photos to your listing draft!
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